Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Spencer - The Jihad Against Free Speech

The Jihad Against Free Speech
by Robert Spencer
Posted: 06/17/2008

Freedom of speech is in imminent danger. Concerted attacks on it by the jihadist movement are increasing in number here and in countries that share America's dedication to free speech.
Mark Steyn, the author of "America Alone," is on trial in Canada for inciting hatred against Muslims in an article adapted from that book. Pakistan just asked the European Union to restrict freedom of expression so as to curb "offenses to Islam." Finland recently gave a blogger 2 1/2 years in prison for "insulting Islam." When Dutch police arrested the cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot, Amsterdam's public prosecutor explained: "We suspect him of insulting people on the basis of their race or belief, and possibly also of inciting hate." Against Muslims, of course.
Read the whole thing now, before it is forbidden...

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