Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New PDF Greek Translation of Saharasia Summary Article

Last year, the summary article on my Saharasia discovery was translated into Greek, and posted to internet.  However, we could never get the file to work well with all the different internet browsers, and especially Greek language editions had a very hard time to review that webpage.

Now, we finally have a good PDF version of the article, which corrects those problems.  It is now linked from our main Saharasia page, here:


Scan down that page a bit, and you will come to the listing of various world language translations.  The Greek version can also be obtained directly from this website:


This summary article is now available in English, French, German, Turkish, Spanish and Greek.  A Russian translation is in the works.  We also are seeking to have this material translated into "Saharasian" languages, notably Arabic, Farsi and Urdu.  This requires someone with good language skills, as well as a sympathy for the subject material.  Anyone who could volunteer to do such translations, or do so with minimal payments, please contact Dr. DeMeo via the contact links near the bottom of the OBRL website.

Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA

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