Friday, March 06, 2009

Western Women at Risk -- Left-wing leaders yawn.

Let's hope the sun shines on this protest march, which is NOT being sponsored by the "traditional" liberal women's groups, or "human rights" (read "Muslim rights") groups.  Those older groups, like NOW, ACLU, Amnesty, etc., which played a fundamental role in expanding human freedoms during the 20th Century, seem to have all be taken over by hard-leftist Marxist functionaries in the 21st.  They are all in favor of sweeping away Western freedoms and democracy in favor of multi-culti fascism, making big alliances with and empowering woman-hating Islamic religious fanatics.  Here's a group that is not.   J.D.

Islamic honor killings take center stage
Women's rights group warns of beatings, executions

A human rights organization says it's not enough for Americans to adopt "resolutions" opposing violence when Islamic girls are stoned for being victims of gang-rapes and warns that such violence already has moved into the United States, with beatings and murders - including a recent beheading - documented.

The result is a plan for a public rally on March 8, International Women's Day, at the Capitol Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C., according to the organization Responsible for Equality and Liberty.

"Every day, women are under attack by Islamic supremacism that supports and approves of oppression, mutilation, and murder of women. According to leaders and followers of Islamic supremacism, they have the right to commit violence against women. Islamic supremacism views oppression of women as a legitimate 'right,' violence against women as a legitimate 'right,' and murdering women as a legitimate 'right,'" the organization announced.

The organization cited the U.S. Senate response - a resolution - when not even a year ago a 13-year-old girl, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, was stoned in front of an African crowd of 1,000 as "punishment" for being the victim of a gang rape.

According to a BBC report, while she begged for mercy, those stoning her said they were doing the will of Allah.

But the Senate failed to even acknowledge the "Islamic supremacist ideology" behind the attack in Somalia, a nation which now is ruled by Islamic Shariah law from border to border, the group charged.

That same "ideology," now has arrived in America, too, the group warned.

"Being 'sorry' is not enough. Politicians' 'condemnations' are not enough. Ignoring the Islamic supremacist ideology behind the slaughter and oppression of women in America and around the world is not enough. Š If we don't speak out, if we don't demand more of our national and international leaders, more women will be murdered by Islamic supremacists."

According to the organization, the effects - so far - on American women have included one case in which a Muslim TV network founder honored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations was accused of beheading his wife. Authorities there decided that the suspect should only be charged with second-degree murder.

There also have been cases of beatings, a woman told she would be treated "like a dog," a death threat for "defaming" Islam, a daughter in Atlanta murder for "honor," and two Dallas teenagers killed for the "crime" of having boyfriends, the group said.

"We demand that American government leaders acknowledge the existence of Islamic supremacism and act on the threat of Islamic supremacism to women. Now," the group said.

"This global threat against women must be confronted by both men and women, not just by being 'sorry' about random violence or about 'extremist' actions against women, but by demanding that our representatives acknowledge that Islamic supremacism threatens them, and by calling for global action against Islamic supremacism," the group said.

The campaign also has been taken up by the United Nations, where its rapporteur, Yakin Etruk, has warned against the "growing crisis."

"Women must demand that their governments implement agreements on women's equality, rights and an end to violence against women, which have been signed but have yet to be carried out. In these countries, those who speak on behalf of Islam still justify things like stoning or killing a woman for this or that reason as being part of their religion," she said.

According to the Associated Press, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said seven women who were shot in the head in "honor killings" deserved their deaths.

They had "loose morals," he told reporters, and rightfully were shot by male relatives.

REAL also reported a Canadian girl was murdered for "honor," in France and Germany Muslim women are set on fire, and in Israel Arab women are poisoned or strangled for defying Islamic supremacist traditions.

"We rightly recognize and remember the 3,000 victims of the 9/11 terrorism attacks, but the 5,000 victims of 'honor killings' have no day set aside to remember them, and many of our world leaders would just as soon forget about them," wrote Jeffrey Imm, of REAL.

The organization is assembling a petition that calls upon both U.S. and U.N. officials "to recognize the global threat of oppression and violence to women from Islamic supremacism."

It demands national and international condemnation of Islamic supremacism as a threat to women everywhere, as well as measures to protect the women of the world.

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