Monday, July 18, 2011

History of Failed Middle East Peace Efforts

An excellent overview of the problem...

"The Arabs never miss an opportunity, to miss an opportunity"
- Abba Eban

"Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us."
- Golda Meir


Part I:
Part II:

31 Opportunities for Statehood Squandered in Favor of Genocide

Posted By David Meir-Levi

There is an eerie déjà vu about an unmistakable and oft-repeated process in the Arab-Israel conflict.  The process started in 1937 and has repeated itself with minor variations many times over the subsequent 74 years. The process is as follows: Arabs go to war with Israel, promising Israel's destruction and the annihilation of its Jews.  Israel wins the war and offers peace. Arab leaders reject Israel's peace offer, renew their promises of destruction and annihilation; and after a while they go to war again, and lose again, and Israel again offers peace.  Repeat this process 31 times and you have the history of the Arab-Israel conflict in a nutshell.

Unfortunately, this process never seems to make it to our mainstream media's radar screen, nor into many of the classrooms of professors of Near Eastern Studies.
We see it in its most recent iteration in an April 3rd article in The New York Times describing the Palestinian Authority's much ballyhooed intention of demanding that the UN officially welcome into the family of nations and into UN membership the State of Palestine. Interestingly, the article was titled "In Israel, Time for Peace Offer May Run Out," as though Israel had not already made numerous peace offers to the Palestinian Authority, and ought to do so quickly.  The text of the article did make reference to an offer that Netanyahu's government was preparing, and to the preemptive rejection of this future offer by Palestinian Authority leaders, who had no hesitation pointing out that they feel they can do better at the UN.  But nowhere in the article was there any clarification that Arab leaders have a history, more than seven decades in length, of rejecting Israel's repeated peace offers and squandering a grand total of thirty-one opportunities for the peaceful creation of a state for the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, alongside of Israel.

Part I:
Part II:

Go to the above weblinks for the rest of this article.

Also, if you haven't by now, read my Saharasia, which provides the emotional-characterological and geographic-historical dynamic behind the events:

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