Saturday, January 26, 2013


Courtesy Announcement


The latest issue of the Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, Volume 11, Number 1, (2011) is now available.
 Starting with this issue, the Annals is available online both as a print-on-demand hardcopy ($25 plus postage) and as a pdf download ($15). You may order the new Annals at:
 This issue includes the following seven articles:
 In "Malinowski Revisited and Reich's Children on the Future," Morton Herskowitz discusses Reich's insights concerning childhood in the light of Bronislaw Malinowski's findings        in his classic anthropological studies of the Trobriand islanders.
 In "Double-Blind Controlled Experiments in the Orgone Energy Accumulator," Philip Bennett reviews the history of double-blind methods in biomedical research, noting the paucity       of their use in orgonomic research. He then describes recent double-blind studies demonstrating biological effects of a device that resembles the orgone energy accumulator.
 In "Onion Plant Responses to Orgone Accumulator Treatment," J. Heckman presents data from two field experiments on the effects of different durations of accumulator treatment of      onion bulbs before planting. Although no significant differences in plant growth parameters were noted, the results suggest that orgone accumulator treatment may retard leaf   senescence.
 In "Politics, Religion and Human Nature," Peter Robbins illustrates how irrationalism in politics and society have obstructed scientific research on unidentified flying objects.
 In "Children as Teachers," Dorothea Fuckert describes her experiences parenting based on self-regulation. She describes what she and her husband learned from their two sons as        they grew up from infancy through their experiences at Summerhill School and into early adulthood.
 In "Foundations for a Functional Analysis of Economics," Dean Davidson describes Reich's use of Karl Marx's analysis of living working power and its role in the production of surplus value. He contrasts Reich's approach with more recent attempts to understand human economic relations that have ignored these findings.
 In "Orgone Therapy - A Patient's Perspective," a patient movingly describes the impact of orgone therapy on her life.
 The "Communications and Notes" section includes memorial tributes to Bernard R. Grad, Ph.D., Eva Renate Reich, M.D. and Ilse Ollendorff Reich; a listing of recent lectures and        publications by members of the Institute; and an announcement of the Training Program in Orgonomic Therapy offered by the Institute.


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