Monday, August 03, 2015



Recently I learned of two interesting YouTube videos on the issue of protoplasm, as expressed in the structure and motions of slime-molds.  For those who don't know, slime molds are large basic single-cell ameboid type creatures which are found mostly in wild nature, forests for example, oozing up from the ground, or inhabiting tree stumps or other rotting material.  They appear as if millions of ameba had suddenly decided to join together into one amorphous mass, with a break-down in their individual cell walls.  They have multi cellular nuclei, but no cell boundaries as such, constituting one large single-cell organism which can flow and pulsate, and move and grow, divide and then, return together again in one large mass.

One of these YouTubes was made by the Scottish scientist William Seifritz, recovered by the Alexander Lowen institute, as shown in the front part of the video.  It is here -- thanks to Thanassis Mandafounis for sharing this item:

Another interesting YouTube on slime molds was made on the work of scientist John Bonner, here:

One must ask, what is the central organizing organ within these slime molds?  What makes them move, without muscles, nor any brain or nerves by which to organize their structure.  And they exhibit highly organized behaviors and movements, not just existing as a puddle of goo.

By viewing these videos, one gets clues related to the work of Wilhelm Reich on the existence of an organizing life-energy factor, which creates the pulsations, the stretching and bending, elongating movements as found within living nature, due to its own inherent motions and properties.  Recall how Reich sought out the ameba as a model organism to test out his theories on vegetative life functions, that the "reaching out" into the world, or "contracting away" from the world, were governed not fundamentally by nerve-induced muscular actions, but instead by a singular life-energy with bioelectrical characteristics, which could flow in the two directions -- expansion towards the world, or contraction away from the world.  Pulsation.

One sees this principle of pulsation very clearly at work in the slime molds, giant organized blobs of protoplasm, lacking in brains or nerves or muscles by which it could, or should by conventional thinking, possess those properties.  They have them, nevertheless, and it remains a riddle in biology to this very day.

As Bonner concluded after 70 years of study, there is still much to be learned about these "lowly" creatures, which in turn impinges upon the motions and functions of all living creatures.



Weekend Seminar on:
Wilhelm Reich's Original Orgonomic Discoveries:
Foundations and Science
Emphasizing New Research Supporting Reich


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